[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Call For Bird-Killing Volunteers!

Elkins skelkins at attbi.com
Thu Sep 26 20:01:57 UTC 2002

Let's do it!  Starting with message 25,000, and in 5,000 post chunks,
just like Cindy suggested.  A brief description of the subjects of the
posts ("Prank," "Lupin's boggart," "Sexuality in HP," "Snape's Task,"
etc.) would be great.

As for fairly non-substantive posts...well, perhaps we only need to 
bother with those if taken in its entirety the thread goes someplace
interesting.  There are a few threads that I've run across in which no 
one person *ever* said anything all that impressive, and yet taken 
as a whole, the thread as a whole nonetheless does give a useful 
summary of the issue at hand.   Perhaps for those we could just
describe the subject of the thread, give the first message #, and 
then put a + marker after it, much like Dicey did in the SiriFAQ.

I agree, though, that we probably really don't need to note the
subject matter of "me too" posts, uninteresting queries that yield
no responses, things that should have been sent to OTC, and
so forth.

So how many people do we have willing to lend a hand with this project?
Dicey?  Cindy?  I believe that Penny once said that she would be willing
to catalogue a chunk of posts.  We only need four people to cover
everything from 25,000 almost to the current day:

25,001 - 30,000
30,001 - 35,000
35,001 -  40,000
40,001 - 45,000 (includes current posts)


I'm in the middle of culling Lupin right now, so until that's done I
don't think that I can take a chunk, but I am willing to take on the
responsibility for cataloging 45,001-50,000, once the list reaches
message 45,000 -- which should be in around a week or so.  I
can catalogue as I read, and then at 50,000, I'll pass off that
responsibility to somebody else.  Sound good?

So who else?  If we have enough volunteers, then we can start working 
backwards from 25,000 as well, which would be a great help to future 
FAQers.  (There was some good stuff written back in The Day too, you 
know.  Really there was.)  We already have a catalogue of the old Club
posts that Penny compiled; it's in the files section somewhere.

I think, though, that the cataloguers should probably at least sneak a 
peak at the content of each post, rather than going from the subject
lines.  Going just by subject lines, you can miss quite a lot.  

-- Elkins

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