[HP4GU-FAQ] Paul's Most Marvelous Magic!

dicentra at xmission.com dicentra at xmission.com
Thu Sep 26 21:28:05 UTC 2002

Quoting "Cindy C." <cindysphynx at comcast.net>:
> Since we're on the subject of cataloguing posts, I wanted to let you  
> all know what great thing Paul did for us.  He prepared an Excel  
> spreadsheet that is, among other things, a complete list of message  
> number, date, poster and subject header.
> Would this be at all helpful for cataloguing, do you think?  

What, are you kidding?  It would be a godsend.  Half the trouble with
cataloguing and culling is having to scroll through those rotten combined
messages that are longer than my arm.

Where do I get one?

--Dicey, drooling over a document fer cryinoutloud

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