[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Post "summary" Excel file

Paul Kippes kippesp at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 27 02:05:34 UTC 2002

To me, a Word table would be the most flexible and easiest to work
with.  And the nice thing about that would be Word tables can be
converted to Excel very easily should it become necessary.  Plus I'd
expect more of us to know Word well compaired to Excel.

Considering how difficult it is to search using Yahoo for words,
would there be any interest in indexing all the posts?  An example of
how this could be used would be to pull all the post numbers that
contain the words "harry & scar."  It'd be limited to words rather
than phrases, but it would be very fast and not limited to the past
1,000 posts like Yahoo.  If the server has spare resources, it could
be used to do the searching.  If the function were password
protected, the bandwidth would be very minimal--whatever to list out
a 'few' numbers.

I'd need to clear it with Heidi first of course.  The actual posts
wouldn't be available--just searchable words.

--- "Cindy C." <cindysphynx at comcast.net> wrote:
> Dicey (about Paul):
> >Where have you been all my life!
> Hey, keep your hands off him -- he's *mine!*
> Seriously, Paul.  We need some tech advice.  If we're going to 
> prepare a catalogue of, say, 20,000 posts, with different people 
> generating different sections of the catalogue, what is the best 
> format?  Excel?  Yahoo database?  Word Table?  Something else?  I 
> guess lots of folks are going to want to download it once it is 
> finished; should we take that into account now?
> What can be done for those of us who are not at all tech savvy and 
> get weak in the knees at the idea of working with Excel, but who
> are 
> willing to learn?
> Can you hold my hand, just for a minute?  ;-)
> Cindy
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