[HP4GU-FAQ] P.S. Re: breathes down newcomers' necks
Heidi Tandy
heidit at netbox.com
Sat Sep 28 22:02:18 UTC 2002
I also want to note that imho, the merchandise faq should either be eliminated or be considered an "archival" work, because these days, who really has a problem tracking anything down? If that decision is made, more posts can be skipped.
-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 14:32:22
To: HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] P.S. Re: breathes down newcomers' necks
Real-To: Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
> Second, remember that OT posts were allowed until,
> what was it, around March, 2001. So a lot of the
> earlier stuff is just plain OT. I suggest that any
> post that would be ruled OT today gets ignored in
> the
> indexing process.
Same with Movie posts. I'll be damned if I'm going to
catalog every casting debate.
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