What's our responsibility, anyways?

bluesqueak pipdowns at etchells0.demon.co.uk
Mon Aug 18 00:46:08 UTC 2003

Hi, Cindy

Could I have your permission to post the email I recently sent to 
you on this board? The one explaining MEG's decision not to re-admit 
you or any other ex-MEG to the MEG board at this time.

I would like your permission to post this letter because it will 
show that the FAQ board was not mentioned. Your membership of the 
FAQ board (and the membership of the many ex-MEGs who belong to it) 
was not mentioned. Your leadership status on FAQ was not mentioned. 
That the troubles on MEG would in any way impact on FAQ was not 

I did mention the phrase 'governance issues'. The 'governance 
issues' in the email referred to are the ones whereby MEG is trying 
to change its secretive ways and work out a more democratic and open 
form of governance. 

Part of that change is that the MEG membership now gets to vote on 
things - like MEGs returning to the board. The proposal that 'Former 
MEGs should be permitted to return at any time, upon request' was, 
in a democratic vote, defeated.

So I wrote to you and explained that I couldn't readmit you, that 
yes, it was a change of policy, and yes, it is our fault, not yours. 

The first sign of any response was when you posted to the FAQ board. 
You did send me a note. After you had posted here.

Like Melody, I am sick of this. I think it's apparent to everyone 
that MEG has had a major bust up in the last few months, and I'm 
truly sorry that our nasty series of arguments is spilling out onto 

Yes, Mel, you have some very valid points - and the irony is that 
those are the very points we've been discussing over on MEG. But 
it's a struggle, because we're also trying to administer a main list 
that has tripled in volume with a MEG list where over a third of our 
membership has left. Sorting out an entirely new form of governance 
for this list has taken longer than we thought, because 
administering the list has been more work than we imagined.

If you folks on FAQ would like to make any suggestion about how you 
see the List Admin, what we could do about changing that view, if 
there's anything you could do to help - I would actually be 

And Cindy - angry as I am with you right now (because you could have 
written to me, and I would have told you this) - you are doing an 
excellent job leading FAQ. It is a working list, and we have no 
intention of changing it without the FAQ members input and 


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