Draft of Call for Fanfic Recs to be posted to OTC
heidit at netbox.com
Wed Aug 20 11:57:07 UTC 2003
Per my post on July 21, while I know it's been well more than a week
(can we just presume I said "month?" Nah, didn't think so...) I've
finally managed to draft my Request for Fanfic Recs - and here's what
I'd like to do with it - I want to post it to OTC and Announcements
and ask people to send their recs to the Fantastic Posts Yahoogroup -
as soon as I fix the settings there...
If there's no objections, I'll post this to OTC on Friday - but if
anyone has editing suggestions, please feel free to make them.
In days of yore, when there were only a few thousand members of
HPfGU, only a few hundred Harry Potter fics on ffn, no Harry Potter-
focused fanfiction archives, and regular discussion/recommendation of
HP fanfics on the main list Ebony and Penny created the very first
HPfGU Fanfic FAQ.
Since then, it's been updated a few times, and the current version
can be found here: http://www.hpfgu.org.uk/faq/fanfiction.html.
Since the release of OotP, however, it's due for another update.
Since the FAQ is supposed to include recommendations by HPfGU
listmembers, though, we need your help in compiling it. Please send
your fanfic recs to fantasticposts at yahoogroups.com using this
Fanfic Title:
Rating (if any):
You can also discuss fanfics you like here on OTC, but it'll be
easier for us to compile the FAQ if people use the template above.
Thanks for your help and participation!
Heidi for the HPfGU FAQ Squad
Well? Ok?
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