Can I make an edit?

Heidi Tandy heidit at
Thu Aug 21 00:09:35 UTC 2003

Despite Cindy's assurances to the contrary, I do plan to continue asking 
before posting on behalf of the group, and also before editing things 
that are visible to the public on the fantastic_posts yahoogroup.  After 
all, if one is going to speak for a group of bright and diverse 
personalities, one should at least be willing to give 24 hours or so for 
those colleagues to give comment, imo.

So along those lines, if nobody objects by tomorrow evening, I'm going 
to edit the front page of the f_p yahoogroup so that 'please post a 
message here' links to the *post* page of the group.

I think we should also create a template, because we all know that 
searching for a post from a particular day is difficult, whereas 
searching when you have the post's number is dead easy, and with the way 
the front page looks now, people might not give the url or post number, 
but the author and date instead.

If nobody objects or has edits, tomorrow evening, I'll add this:
Url of Fantastic Post or Post's number:
Author of Fantastic Post:
Topic of Fantastic Post:
Date of Fantastic Post:
Feel free to edit; I have no pride of authorship with this.

As an fyi, I've edited the membership stuff, per the discussions earlier 
today and yesterday, so anyone can post, attachments are stripped (to 
save us from virus risk if anyone wants to get the group via individual 
messages) and only members can see the archives.


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