Background and Answers

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Fri Aug 22 18:01:23 UTC 2003

Amanda asked (about my suggestion that Michelle was an observer):

>I'd like to know where you got that idea. Michelle never posted 
>that I am aware of. I hadn't gotten around to sending my 
>introduction of her. Were you acting on unsubstantiated rumor?

No, although there may have been a miscommunication on the point.  I 
read this from one of your prior posts, which is where I came to 
believe Michelle wished to be an observer:


>Ah, this is too paranoid for me. If MEG wants to know more, they 
>can ask any FAQ member or join the list as an observer.


Further, I feel I must address two additional points.

1.  Cindy's role as BD.  No, this is not a figment of my 
imagination.  As I explained, the Mod team representatives (Cindy 
and Elkins) ran this list for a time.  Yes, if the team wished to do 
something that we thought would be a bad idea, we had the power to 
overrule them.  It never came to that, of course. 

Post Modgate, Amy and Joywitch told me to take this list and run 
with it.  I didn't wish to assert my authority too aggressively, and 
I did hope that others would take on a great deal of the work.  Did 
I have the power to overrule the group?  We never crossed that 
bridge, but, erm, I wouldn't have done it because I don't need no 

2.  Open List or Closed List.  I am quite confident that this has 
been a closed list since October, at least.  I say that because 
Phyllis suggested a new member, and that person was not invited.  
Pippin has a newbie who would like to join, and we need to decide 
that question.

But the best evidence that this list has never had an open 
membership is that all members did not receive Mod privileges until 
this latest group of FAQ members arrived.  So prior to May or so, 
Amanda *couldn't* have asked anyone to join without seeking 
permission of someone with Mod powers or consulting the group.

3.  Why everyone has Mod powers.  Previously, I had to handle 
everything that required Mod powers.  This was tiring and 
inefficient.  As everyone here is trustworthy, I saw no great risks 
to setting things up in this fashion, and it does enhance our sense 
of community in some ways.  I thought it obvious that each of us 
should use our Mod powers to do our work, not to unilaterally make 
major policy decisions.

4.  Scrubbing of archives.  I understand MEG has decided not to 
scrub its archives when new people arrive.  That has not been the 
practice here; I have always scrubbed the archives.

As far as Michelle's feelings go, I will speak with her, of course.  
The other solution that occurred to me was sending out an e-mail to 
40 people behind her back and explaining my objections, and that 
solution is not much better.  

5.  The Poll.  The poll is an information gathering device and not 
binding.  Consider it a straw poll.


I, too, would like to get to work.  If you all wish to drop all 
governance discussion, that is fine, really.  It does seem, however, 
that there are some divergent expectations in the group that will 
cause us much trouble in the future.


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