[HP4GU-FAQ] Are We Having Fun Yet?

Amanda Geist editor at texas.net
Tue Aug 26 01:03:08 UTC 2003

> Anyone else have the middle name "Ann?"

Anyone else narrowly miss having a middle name "Caledonia"?

> Anyone else have a dark purple car?  Anyone else keep a car longer
> than 15 years?

Yes, and Yes. My mother painted our 1965 Chevy Impala hot purple (violent
purple) when my dad was out of town. It stayed purple. We got it used in
about 1970 and I only let it go a couple of years ago. **sob**

> Anyone else meet their husband in college or grad school?

Anyone else meet their husband when he was the baron of their barony,
hosting a tournament?

> Anyone else have a poodle and an aquarium full of fish?

(Is the poodle full of fish too?)

Anyone else have an aquarium that is a Crabitat with four hermit crabs
inside? (names: Coco, Rainbow, Mom's, and Bludger. I had absolutely no hand
in that last one.)

> Anyone else met Janet Reno and Kenneth Starr and shaken Hillary
> Clinton's hand?

(You *did* wash it, didn't you?) Anyone else travel 1200 miles (one way)
just to meet Alan Rickman?

> Anyone else play the clarinet in the marching band in high school?

Alto sax.

> Anyone else fail every single year to win the President's Physical
> Fitness award in elementary school?

Anyone else have their handlebars come loose and wobble Every Single Time
they entered the Bike Rodeo in elementary school, and never, ever even
place, not even the consolation stuff?

> Anyone else play the piano?

Bowed psaltery?

> Anyone else unable to carry a tune no matter what?

Anyone else from a family that performed as a group when you were small? I
had a whole verse of "Cindy" all to myself at age four. Played the
tambourine. I understand I was adorable.

One of my own now, hmmm...

Anyone else have a chain of 12 stuffed Golden Snitch keychains over their
desk at home? Or a real, dead skrewt spawn in lucite over their desk at

Anyone else make sculpted cakes or marzipan?


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