Are We Having Fun Yet?
Morgan D.
morgan_d_yyh at
Tue Aug 26 10:47:23 UTC 2003
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, "Cindy C." <cindysphynx at c...> wrote:
> Nah, that can't be! We both have a sister (mine is 2 years older
> and we get on very well). Your sister is on the list, you said.
> What's her Yahoo ID?
My sister (or half-sister, if we want to get technical) is 12 years
older than me. We get along pretty well (after we both grew up, that
is; I used to hate her for her "I'm-too-old-to-play-with-kids"
attitude), and we share the house after my parents moved to the
beach. I'm a Sirius fan, she's a Snape fan, and not even *that* get
between us, so yeah, I can say we get along very well ^__^
Uhn... She probably wouldn't want me to reveal her ID. She enjoys
pretending I'm only a friend in the web. I see her point, though.
Sometimes, when she states her opinion to someone who knows we are
sisters, she ends up hearing something like, "well, of course *you*
would say that, if you're Morgan's sister". And that's really
She's mostly a lurker in the Main List. I suspect she's still being
moderated, since she hasn't posted more than two or three times.
> Cars are male, eh? Hmmm, as you probably know, ships are female in
> English. Is that true in Portuguese? How come cars aren't "it?"
We don't have the neutral gender in Portuguese. People, objects,
abstract concepts, everything is either male or female. Cars are
male. Ships can be both, depending on the word you use ("navio" is
male, "nave" is female). Bikes and motorbikes are female.
> I tend not to accumulate much mileage on a car. My little 15-year-
> old Chevy Nova had 95,000 miles on it.
That would be... 152887 kilometers? Yeah, my Volkswagen Voyage should
be around that mark too. (Long trips to the beach to visit my
> > Anyone else played the flute as a kid?
> Yep. Flute, clarinet, sax. My tone on flute (and clarinet) was
> awful. Just awful.
Played the flute for 2 years. Wasn't really talented. I'm much better
at singing.
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