"Push, Honey! It's Almost Here!"
Cindy C. <cindysphinx@comcast.net>
cindysphinx at comcast.net
Wed Jan 15 15:18:03 UTC 2003
Well, well, well.
We have a date certain for the arrival of Hurricane Jo! June 21,
whether we're ready or not.
Ah, but June 21 is in the far distant future, right? We have
*plenty* of time to prepare, right?
Wrong. June 21 is just **157** days away from today. And we
haven't finished our cataloguing effort yet or written any new FAQs!
Don't panic, FAQ team. Now is the time for a really, really big
push to finish up our catalogue work.
We *can* finish, you know. If we have 10 people each catalogue 70
messages a day for the next 16 days, we will be *finished* by
February 1, right on schedule. And we have more than 10 people
I think we can make it, myself.
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