"Push, Honey! It's Almost Here!"

Cindy C. <cindysphinx@comcast.net> cindysphinx at comcast.net
Wed Jan 15 18:14:01 UTC 2003

Eloise wrote:

> If anyone had called me "honey" when I was giving birth, I'd have 
hit them!
> ~Eloise
> Veteran of three births without pain-relief.
> (And one with gas-and-air and TENS which I found very irritating.)

I do remember my husband calling me "honey" during labor.  A lot.  
Over and over and over.  And over.  I, er, wasn't in the mood to 
hear it.  ;-)

Cindy -- veteran of three births with all the pain relief money 
could buy, and wondering what the sam hill "gas-and-air" and "TENS" 
could possibly be but hoping it helped Eloise with the pain

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