What You've All Been Waiting For!
Cindy C. <cindysphinx@comcast.net>
cindysphinx at comcast.net
Fri Jan 17 00:14:12 UTC 2003
Hi, FAQers,
Since October, we've been working our fingers to the bone on the
catalogue. As you all know, we're almost finished, and February 1
is looming. So now's the time to start figuring out our next
In particular, we need to decide who wants to work on what FP.
I guess there are several considerations here. First, we should
focus our energies on creating new FPs instead of updating old
ones. Second, it would be nice to get certain important FPs done
before less important ones. Third, folks should work on things that
interest them, so if no one is interested in a particular FP, it
simply won't get done (hey, we're all volunteers, right?). Fourth,
I'd like us to work in teams, if possible, because we need to get
the FPs written quickly and launch them, if at all possible.
Lastly, what, if anything, can be done to, er, minimize the impact
of OoP on all of our work? In other words, will we be toiling to
write FPs that will be outmoded almost as soon as we complete them,
and can anything be done about that in the way we write the FPs or
choose which FPs to write?
Another idea I had was a method of doing very quick and dirty
updates to existing FPs. Rather than try to re-work an old FP in
its entirety, we could just add an update notice. As an example,
let's say I wanted to update the Weasley Family FP. I would add a
note in brackets with certain key message numbers that I could find
using the catalogue, like the Bully Thread. Does that sound like a
good use of someone's time?
Further, we should keep in mind that we have FPs currently in
progress, which are Lupin, Legal Issues and Quidditch.
So how about this? Why don't we just have a discussion about those
issues and anything else folks want to raise? What FPs do the FAQ
team members want to write? Go on, speak up, don't be shy.
I've attached a list of the FPs, with * indicating which ones are
complete. Feel free to make suggestions about new ones or ones that
ought to be dropped.
British Educational System
Character Accents
Character Names (Meaning, Origin, Pronunciation)
Chronology and Timelines
*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
*Mysteries & Inconsistencies
*Potential Romance Pairings in HP
*Magical Devices
Mythology & Magical Creatures
Social Issues
Spells & Charms
*Animal Characters
*Sirius Black
Albus Dumbledore
*Dursley Family
*Hermione Granger
Rubeus Hagrid
*Neville Longbottom
Remus Lupin
*Minerva McGonagall
*Peter Pettigrew
Harry Potter
*James & Lily Potter
Severus Snape
*Weasley Family
*Ron Weasley
*Lord Voldemort
*Universal Appeal of HP
*Book Banning & Controversies
Racial Diversity & HP
*Religion & HP
Audio Versions
CoverArt & Covers from Around the World
Fan Clubs
Harry Potter Humor
*Other Recommended Reading
*HP: A History
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