[HP4GU-FAQ] Preparation of important FPs/Cataloguing
Heidi Tandy
heidit at netbox.com
Sun Jan 19 15:45:57 UTC 2003
Pretty much what she said. Or possibly after book 5 is out, the fps might change to a structure with a post-ootp-release simmary on top, then the original faq, or modified version thereof, and last, the post-ootp-posts and analysis.
-----Original Message-----
From: elfundeb <elfundeb at comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:46:13
To:HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [HP4GU-FAQ] Preparation of important FPs/Cataloguing
Real-To: elfundeb <elfundeb at comcast.net>
Heidi wrote:
> I am, but I agree with debbie that it would be great to have a pre
>and post ootp version, if not a sort of brief summary of the
>various perspectives, with a more estensive post ootp analysis.
Cindy replied:
Hmmm. I'm not sure how this would work. Debbie or Heidi, can you
I have no idea what idea of mine Heidi was referring to. I think my point was that I believe it is worthwhile to focus on memorialize some of our pre-OoP thinking on major characters into FPs which we can update later, after we've all had a substantial period of time to digest and analyze OoP (i.e., when we're ready for Book 6). Although some of our current theories will be fodder for the GARBAGESCOW come June 21, what we've done will be worth preserving, for looking back at later on issues of misdirection and interpretation (as well as eating humble pie!), no matter how comically wrong we turn out to be in some cases. Moreover, I suspect that our post-OoP discussions will in many respects take off from where we are now in our thinking, so that it *is* valuable to get major character and DE/Auror FPs done even though they will require substantial updating later, so we can use them as a reference point. And for the same reason, I'd definitely vote for "quick updates" of so!
me of the older FPs now, before OoP is released along the lines Cindy suggested.
I had expressed an interest in social issues, and my favorite characters have been FP'd already. But Dumbledore interests me, too, and since I've just used up a full paragraph arguing that the character FPs are important I'll volunteer to work with whomever it's already been assigned to (sorry, I've forgotten).
Actually, I don't think anything I've just said answers Cindy's question. I think we would probably want to do post-OoP updates by revising the FPs, but by retaining anything that remained relevant and either moving interesting but outdated/superseded material to a postscript, or leaving it in with some kind of preface ("Pre-OoP, there was much speculation . . . ") or some such. But we have lots of time to think about that.
Did any of that make sense, Cindy?
Eloise on cataloguing:
I'm sure I've been keying Lucius recently. I knew there was *something*.
Well, we could start a quiet resistance movement on Lucius. <g> I'm quite certain I have used Lucius on occasion in my cataloguing, and Sirius as well, because that's what the posters usually use. Let's hope it won't be *too* much of a problem for the person writing the FP to search for our mistakes. <sigh>
who thinks a hose tournament would be a highly entertaining addition to the books
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