Just How Bad Was July 2002?
Cindy C. <cindysphinx@comcast.net>
cindysphinx at comcast.net
Mon Jan 20 23:49:05 UTC 2003
Here's just a sampling of the messages from July 2002.
<shakes head in mild amusement>
----- Original Message ----- > In response to the following by
> > A point about the word "mudblood"... Is there a polite
equivalent to
> > that word? I mean, "nigger" is not a really polite word, and you
> > use it to say "my friend is a nigger, we're going to Africa next
week in
> > order to visit his other friends-niggers."
From: "Aesha Williams
> Well, I'm not sure where you're coming from- the "n" word isn't a
> or polite word in any context, to the majority of people.
That, Aesha, is because most people are ignorant of the fact that
there does
exist a country called Niger, which when pronounced sounds just like
the "n"
word. So you see, there is infact, a proper usage of the
word "nigger".
One must therefore assume, or believe that there is also a proper
for the term "mudblood", when used in context in the wizard world.
And that
it is just not another foul word.
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