Penny Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Tue Jan 21 02:12:54 UTC 2003
Hi there --
<<<<Now, since OoP is coming on fast, I figured it would be a good idea
if we can work in fairly large teams to crank out FPs *very*
quickly. With that in mind, does anyone want to join one of the FP
teams listed above? Dicey? Debbie? Eileen? Pip? Catherine?
How about if I update some of my original FAQs, which haven't been updated since March/April 2001? Hermione I would definitely do. The JKR one probably wouldn't take too much effort, though is probably not a top priority either. I would suggest that the Wizarding World Govt one that I did be subsumed into the Justice one that Porphyria is working on. I could also update the "adult vs. childrens' lit" one ........ and would suggest it now also address the secondary scholarship, etc. on HP, which I am now quite conversant in, thanks to Nimbus. <g> Cindy & Pippin took over my Mysteries FAQ. That leaves Hogwarts ...... I'll leave that one to someone else I think. Romantic Pairings......well, the updates can probably frankly wait until after OoP, as there isn't too much *new* material/arguments (though, wait, yeah I might want to incorporate Ebony's brilliant H/H analysis -- <eg>).
I was also actually .........no wait, stop me.........someone *please* stop me......... urgh.........well, you see, I have this interest in the Harry FP.........but wait.............I don't have time.........oh, I really don't have time.........but well, I could work *with* someone probably. I .......er.......I could divide the Harry FP with at least one other person. There, I said it. *Divide* ... emphasis on the word *divide*!
(who thinks it would probably really be most helpful if she would finish off the measly 500 message block in cataloguing before volunteering to take on other things!)
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