[HP4GU-FAQ] Lost key word.

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Jan 22 12:02:26 UTC 2003

In a message dated 22/01/2003 11:32:03 GMT Standard Time, 
elfundeb at comcast.net writes:

> Anyone point me to the right word?>>>>
> It's Barriers.

Thanks, Debbie!
I'm not too much further, having managed to get myself a line out (due to 
missing a shot post) and had to backtrack.

> Sadly, I forget keywords all the time; 300+ is just too much for my feeble 
> brain.  Just yesterday I realized that I'd been using "Transportation" 
> instead of "Transport";

Ah. <looks sheepish>
That's because I put the keyword in the database. It's a language thing: we 
have transport, you have transportation.

 I can't remember whether it's Warrior Ethic or Warrior Culture.  

> Now, if I didn't fix it, would a search for "Transport" pull up both 
> Transport and Transportation, or does the search term have to match the 
> contents of the cell exactly?  I would have thought it would pick it up, 
> but I'm planning to go back and fix it anyway.

I nearly asked a similar question this morning. Well, different, actually.

I want to know whether the search turns up the post number, or the line 
number (which has some significance when you're dealing with SHIPs and post 
stray over more than one line).

How about it, Dicey? Although it's too late now, really ;-)

Oh, and thanks for you offer of help, Dicey. I do have some vague ideas about 
how I'd  like to go about the names FP, but in that I can't (as I understand 
it) actually *search* Excel spreadsheets (I think my free downloaded software 
only allows me to read Excel), I'm going to be reduced to scrolling through 
everyones catalogues and writing down message numbers. So, yes, I could do 
with some help!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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