[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Lost key word & Excel Issues

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Jan 22 15:08:56 UTC 2003

> Actually, though, I think sorting the spreadsheets alphabetically 
> will be much more useful than searching.  It will group things 
> together for you and allow you to disregard everything else.  
> Eloise, do you have a "sort" function?

I agree. Sorting will pick up the spelling errors (I can't type), spelling 
differences (I only spell American when I think hard enough), minor errors in 
keying, etc.

I've just opened one of you spreadsheets, Cindy, and no I don't think I can 
do anything with it but read it. Except admire it, of course.

(Or do you mean on mine? There is a sort function, but I haven't played with 
it yet.)

But as Dicey has kindly offered to help me...........

But couldn't someone <looks innocently in the direction of She Who Has Just 
Been Named> just upload the sorted version of the whole lot so that they're 
just there for every one to scroll through?

I'm probably the only one this would really help, I suppose.

Otherwise, I suppose it's investing in whatever it is that has Excel and Word 
in it.
Which I guess I should one day.

> Lastly, I've noticed that I can't open Eloise's spreadsheets.  Is 
> there anything to be done for that?

All part of a devilish cunning plan...........

Actually, when I try to open them it says it can't, but then does after a 
brief pause.

I think Dicey said she can convert Works to Word.
I *hope* she can.
*PLEASE* don't tell me all this cataloguing's been in vain!

And I have to beg indulgence on the current uploading, Mother Hen. I did try, 
this morning before I started, but it wouldn't let me. If I don't do any more 
for the rest of today I *should* be able to tomorrow.


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