Roll Call

abigailnus abigailnus at
Tue Jul 22 16:34:35 UTC 2003

<Small wave>

Hi.  I'm back.  Finished OOP on Sunday and have been slowly reacclimating into 
fandom ever since.  I finally, for example, got to read that A.S. Byatt article everyone's 
so up in arms about.  I also went to the main group website, thinking that I'd at least 
get an idea of what I had to catch up to.

My first clue that I might not be up to the task was the addition of 2000 members in 
less than a month.  Then I checked the message count.  I seem to be about 10,000 
messages behind.


So, I'm not exactly back.  I'd like to reread the book.  I'd like to get at least an idea of 
the ideas that have been floating on the list.  And, oh yeah, I do still have one last 
final on Thursday which I really ought to prepare for.  

I'm signed up for the Harry FP, which, not at all unexpectedly, is going to have to be 
rethought quite a bit.  At this moment I have no coherent thoughts whatsoever.  
Hopefully by the weekend, as I decompress, I'll get a chance to formulate some ideas.  
Any other Hufflepuffs out there who are ready (or near-ready) to get to work?


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