[HP4GU-FAQ] Roll Call

Susannah Myers susannahlm at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 22 16:36:43 UTC 2003

<Derannimer dutifully raises her hand>


So, guys-who-were-able-to-make-it, how did Nimbus go?
How were the speakers? How was the Shipping panel?
And. . . Gail, did you really storm the karoake bar?

Oh, and btw, Heidi wrote:

> I do want to revamp the fanfic faq from top to
> bottom - the recs are out 
> of date in a big way - so if nobody objects I'll run
> a question on 
> ficpicks on otc and post about it on announcements
> sometime next week.

Ooooh! Ooh!

Plug _1975_! And _The Long Road to Damascus_! And _A
Decoding of the Heart_, even if it *does* freak people
out! And _The Very Secret Diary_!

But. . . 


<clears throat>

Yes, sorry. Perhaps it would be best to ask for
recommendations on OTC.


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