Dicentra spectabilis
dicentra at xmission.com
Mon Jun 2 17:56:54 UTC 2003
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, "derannimer" <susannahlm at y...> wrote:
> Er, well, hello all!
> <taps mike>
> I must say, I'm tremendously honored to ask to be helped with all --
> <waves hand helplessly at the 59,121 messages>
> -- all of this. Also tremendously overwhelmed -- I guess it never
> occured to me before how much *work* all of you do, and I frankly
> haven't a clue how to get started.
Dicentra sneaks up behind Derannimer, whipped-cream pie in hand. The
nervous Derannimer is paying too much attention to the crowd in front
of her to sense what is about to happen.
> Don't get me wrong -- it looks
> like *fun* work -- but I rather feel like I need the equivalent of a
> List Elf about now to tell me where to begin. How does this work,
> anyway: Do we get assigned to specific sorts of things, or do people
> sort of take various tasks as is their preference? What FAQs are we
> thinking of updating -- or are we just going to wait until OOP comes
> out and then update *all* of them in one "swell foop"?
Dicentra figures that "foop" is as good as any cue, steps directly
behind Derannimer, and plows the pie into her face. Derannimer stops
abruptly, too stunned to be humiliated.
"What did I do?" she says in a small voice from behind the whipped cream.
"I just wanted to get your attention," said Dicentra matter-of-factly.
"You need to know one rule here on the FAQ list that must be obeyed,
and we will brook no rebellion: there is to be absolutely *no*
TBAY-like posting here. No CARP, no dialog, no nothing (especially
not in posts 1336, 1338, 1340, 1368, 1380, 1446, and 1548). Here on
the FAQ list we are *efficient*, *businesslike,* and
*preee-fessional.* We do not engage in the kind of silliness that
all too often characterizes the main list. We do not keep an acronym
database, we do not post de-lurks for all to see, we do not call out
especially creepy/funny/ridiculous posts, and we do *not* engage in
clever banter."
"Duly noted," said Derannimer, in a barely audible voice.
"Good," said Dicentra. "Now get yourself cleaned up. That's no way
to present yourself to the members of HP4GU-FAQ."
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