elfundeb at comcast.net
Mon Jun 2 18:02:08 UTC 2003
Hello and welcome! to Derannimer and Abigail, and to Phyllis, who has
also joined us. ;-)
Cindy, from the introductory tour:
> I'll hit the highlights, and I'll let others pop in to correct me
> and embellish and all of that.
> We also embarked on a very ambitious plan to catalogue the main
> list. We created an Excel spreadsheet of most every post from post
> 20,000-41,000, more or less. We also described the post and
> assigned key words to the posts. So now if you want to find posts
> that discuss whether Ron is ESE, you can use the Excel spreadsheet.
Ah! A very small correction -- we completed cataloguing (either in
full or "highlights") from 25,000 through 45,000.
> I posted a status chart about a week ago saying who had agreed to
> work on what post.
We have a database set up for this, called "Fantastic Posts -
Unassigned". How about if we take Cindy's list and update the
database to include what people have agreed to work on in the past
week, including the old ones that need updating? That way our new
FPers will know at a glance what's been taken and can sign up right
away for what interests them.
Derannimer asked:
> >When we do see
> > particularly interesting posts, is there some sort of catch-all ?
> >file we can send them to until we're ready to write them into a
> >FAQ?
> Uh, yeah. Only I haven't created the database for that yet.
> <blushes> But yeah, I think just having each of us identify
> fantastic posts we happen to notice and enter them into a database
> here will be more manageable than trying to catalogue post-OoP
Since about 13,000 posts have accumulated since we stopped
cataloguing, how about if we invite everyone to add to the database
(after Cindy creates it) anything particularly noteworthy they recall
from 45000 onward?
Welcome again!
wondering if we should also review the databases and files and clean
out anything that's outdated?
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