[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Hello!
Debbie Duncan
elfundeb at comcast.net
Mon Jun 2 18:32:00 UTC 2003
> Dicentra sneaks up behind Derannimer, whipped-cream pie in hand. The
> nervous Derannimer is paying too much attention to the crowd in front
> of her to sense what is about to happen.
> Dicentra . . . steps directly
> behind Derannimer, and plows the pie into her face. Derannimer stops
> abruptly, too stunned to be humiliated.
I just wanted to get your attention," said Dicentra
> matter-of-factly.
> "You need to know one rule here on the FAQ list that must
> be obeyed,
> and we will brook no rebellion: there is to be absolutely *no*
> TBAY-like posting here. No CARP, no dialog, no nothing (especially
> not in posts 1336, 1338, 1340, 1368, 1380, 1446, and 1548). Here on
> the FAQ list we are *efficient*, *businesslike,* and
> *preee-fessional.* We do not engage in the kind of silliness that
> all too often characterizes the main list. We do not keep an acronym
> database, we do not post de-lurks for all to see, we do not call out
> especially creepy/funny/ridiculous posts, and we do *not* engage in
> clever banter.
Debbie enters the staffroom holding a combination welcome memorandum
and "to-do" list just in time to see the pie fly. She quickly runs to
fetch Derannimer a large towel, then carefully shreds the memorandum
into confetti-like pieces. Throwing the pieces up into the air, she
shouts "welcome!" then watches them explode into fireworks in the air
above all three new members.
"Filibusters Fireworks," she explains to the wondering crowd. "Got
them from Gred and Forge."
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