Even More De-Lurks

Cindy C. cindysphynx at comcast.net
Mon Jun 2 20:07:51 UTC 2003

OK, here is Melody's first post, Message 42879 on August 18, 2002:

From:   "malady579" <Malady579 at h...> 
Date:  Sun Aug 18, 2002  11:41 am
Subject:  Lily *Did* Scream

I always thought Lily screamed because she was yelling for Voldemort
to stop from killing Harry not herself. It is obvious James and Lily
knew that Voldemort was after James and Harry only. She ran to get
Harry and leave, but Voldemort did not waste time toying with James
and just killed him and went after Harry. Lily, not having enough
time to get Harry and run, was attempting to shield Harry. She did
the only thing she could do with Voldemort at the time and was to
plead for her son's life, not her own mind you, and since Voldemort
is...well Voldemort he pushed her aside. She then lunged between
Voldemort's wand and Harry screaming at the same time out of sheer
panic and fear for her son's life. Having got in the way she died
instead of Harry. That is my assumption anyway. Harry was "saved" by
her love since she placed herself between Voldemort and Harry out of
her will and passion.



Not to be outdone by Phyllis in Message 41709 on July 25, 2002:


In recent posts, there has been discussion of who Mundungus Fletcher 
is. I'm wondering whether this might be another case of a same-named 
father and son (like Tom Riddle Sr./Jr. and Barty Crouch Sr./Jr.), 
where the Mundungus Fletcher Dumbledore references at the end of GoF 
as being part of the "old crowd" is really Mundungus Jr. In CoS, 
Arthur Weasley states that "old" Mundungus Fletcher tried to put a 
hex on him. Could JKR's use of the word "old" mean that there is 
a "young" Mundungus? It also seems strange to me that Dumbledore 
would be summoning someone to help him fight Voldemort who, from the 
few references we've had, appears fairly batty (he tries to put a 
on Arthur Weasley for no apparent reason and makes a crazy World Cup 
claim in GoF). If these references are to Mundungus Sr., this would 
make more sense (to me, anyway!).

(I'm a new listie, so my apologies if this has been discussed 

Phyllis (I'm named after my Mom and my brother's named after my Dad, 
so perhaps this explains my "Jr." preoccupation...)


Cindy -- lying in wait for the remaining new members

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