Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You
elfundeb at
Wed Jun 4 21:35:31 UTC 2003
First, more welcomes -- to Charis Julia and Morgan!
You don't really want to know about me, but . . . .
*Real name:
Debbie Duncan/Debra J. Duncan
*Also known as:
46/Female and looking for the Fountain of Youth
Born and raised: NYC suburbs (northern New Jersey)
Live: Arlington, Virginia (Phyllis, where in Arlington did you live?)
*Family Life:
1 husband, 2 children ages 11 and 9.
*Words friends have used to describe you:
smart, driven, analytical, argumentative, committed
*Words you have used to describe you:
lazy, indecisive, shy, overcommitted, spacy
*Things you do when not staring at the computer:
Whatever my kids want to do
*Comfort foods:
Asian food, *very* spicy; gooey cookies; chocolate and red wine;
goldfish and white wine (stimulates brain cells)
B.A. in Government, College of William and Mary
J.D., George Washington University
I'm a practicing tax lawyer and poster child for the firm's "mommy
*Language skills
English, intermediate and extremely rusty Spanish which I discovered
is not good enough to get me through "El Caliz de Fuego" (GoF)
*Technical know-how:
I can call the help desk
*Favourite HP book:
PoA, then GoF
*Favourite HP character(s):
Lupin, Ron, Snape, Hermione, Percy
*Favourite HP line
"That's not a rat," croaked Sirius Black suddenly.
"What d'you mean -- of course he's a rat --"
"No, he's not," said Lupin quietly. "He's a wizard."
"An Animagus," said Black, "by the name of Peter Pettigrew."
*Watching/Avoiding the HP movie?:
Watched the first one twice, was generally disappointed; watched the
second one once, was bitterly disappointed; hoping for better things
from Cuaron
*Into HP fanfiction?
No; don't want to confuse my canon
*Books you'd recommend to just about anyone:
Anything by Jane Austen; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lord of the Rings;
Barbara Tuchman's history books; lots more I can't think of right now
*Favourite TV shows:
Baseball and the history channel. I actually prefer the TV to be off.
My kids like Sponge Bob.
*Favourite movies:
Casablanca; Dr. Zhivago; many more if I could think of them.
*One thing about your life you'd change if you could you may not
> >say "lose weight."
> I wish I knew how to make a living at something other than
> practicing law.
*One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for an advance
> >copy of Book 7:
> My husband.
And, yes, I did just copy Cindy's answers for these last two.
*Philosophy for an easy life?:
Everything in moderation. *Everything!*
> >How you found HPfGU:
I was reading the books and remembered that I thought I'd heard they
were making a movie, so I thought I'd check and discovered the
Lexicon, which eventually led me here
*Active at other HP sites:
No, I don't have time.
*Your most rock solid OoP prediction:
> Neville's Memory Charm, hopefully with tortured toddler and MC'd
parent variant.
*Members of the fandom you have personally met:
And expecting to add considerably to the list at Nimbus!
>Add a question of your choosing and answer it:
*What am I doing here?
A: I'm insane.
throwing up more welcome fireworks
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