[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You

pennylin pennylin at swbell.net
Thu Jun 5 02:09:33 UTC 2003

Hi --

Am laughing hysterically at one of Debbie's answers --

*Comfort foods:
Asian food, *very* spicy; gooey cookies; chocolate and red wine; 
goldfish and white wine (stimulates brain cells)

having just consumed large handfuls of goldfish with a glass of white wine before dinner the other day in fact.  The goldfish were out because my toddler had the munchies in the late afternoon, and I decided that the day was nearly done and poured myself a glass of white wine to go with my snack while she was watching a video.  LOL!  Glad to know that combo stimulated my brain cells for a nano-second

(who thinks Amanda's typical day sounds about like mine, though with only one kid so it can't be *as* tiring as what Amandageist does..........but I too am booked solid every second of the day until I collapse in bed)

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