Assassin!Snape for HA

elfundeb2 elfundeb at
Fri Jun 6 10:11:44 UTC 2003

My bio seems to have stimulated a bit of interest:

Phyllis asked:

> Where are you in Arlington?  The place looks different every time I 
> go back for a visit - much more upscale and swanky now than when I 
> lived there.  And the housing prices go up about $100,000 each 
> as well!
I'm in South Arlington, halfway between Arlington Ridge Road and 
Crystal City.  For the rest of you for whom that information is 
meaningless, it's about a mile south of the Pentagon.  And while the 
value of my house goes ever upward, the values of the houses I'd 
consider moving up to go up even faster, so I'm staying put.

> OK, now my turn - my mother's from Bayonne, NJ - were you raised 
> there?
No, I lived farther north but my mom lived nearby in Weehawken as a 

Penny, on the irresistable combination of goldfish and white wine:

>LOL!  Glad to know that combo stimulated my brain cells for a nano-
Now that I'm revealing all my deep secrets, I'll confess that I 
discovered the combination late one evening when I got stuck for a 
phrase while writing a HPFGU post and went looking for a snack to go 
with the wine.  It worked, as I found my phrase.

> Cindy -- enjoying all of the bios tremendously and chuckling 
> for one brief moment, she couldn't understand why Debbie and Penny 
> enjoy eating wriggling goldfish straight from the aquarium

What?  You wouldn't find that *comforting*?

wondering if she left the wrong impression by including alcohol on 
her list of comfort foods

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