Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You
Malady579 at
Sat Jun 7 14:45:17 UTC 2003
Tom wrote:
> >Things you do when not staring at the computer:
> I used to play the tuba and was a bona-fide band-geek for eight
> years, but since brass instruments are so expensive (and I don't own
> a tuba,) I don't get to play anymore.
You played tuba? Oh, how cool were you. I played percussion for
seven years in middle and high school and in the marching band in
college for four. My best friend in high school, a very stubborn
girl, played tuba. Married a tuba player. Both were in the marching
band at Texas Tech. So, cool. Anyway....
> >Education/Work:
> Double B.A. in Philosophy and the Classics from Boston University.
> Normally I'd just say `B.U.,' but apparently there are lots of those
> out there. Very frustrating to tell someone I went to `B.U.' and
> get, in reply, "Baylor?" No. Not Baylor. ;-)
Hey! Now, now. Baylor is a wonderful school. So wonderful, that I
went there for four years then graduated. :D
Huh. I left that out in my bio. Sorry about that. But I adored my
college and the campus. Walked its pathways (and rollerbladed.
learned to jump stairs on them there too). I was the statistical
Texas Baptist going to Baylor, but I did not go to there for that
Oh and I learned how to cheer for a lossing team too. The poor band
had to go everywhere with the football team and find ways to cheer for
things like "no more fumbles" or "run the other way". :) My favorite
football game was when we played Notre Dame. We called it the
Reformation Bowl. Seems God is not as Catholic this time. Last time
we lost like 63 to 3. This time it was more 43 to 12. Hehe. Had a
blast though. God love our poor Baylor bear football team. We just
helped everyone win.
> >Favourite HP book:
> GoF, definitely. I can reread `The First Task' over and over and
> over again the descriptions of the Hungarian Horntail are so
> delightfully vivid, and the scene has so much tension it's
> overpowering.
To this I completely agree. The tension and writing in that chapter
is so well done it still gives me chills every time. That arc of
story is magnificent. Good call.
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