Very late profile

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at
Tue Jun 10 16:28:58 UTC 2003

Better late than never, right? Right? :)

Real name:
Sheryll Townsend

DC Sheryll by my friend Eric (DC=darn Canadian)
other than that, just the HPFGU stuff - Rylly Elf and
Sheryll the Birthday Elf

44 (middle-aged, according to Neil)/not as often as
Andy would like :-D

Birthplace/living place:
Born: Winnipeg, Manitoba aka Winterpeg, Manisnowba.
Yes, it's that bad in winter, pretty much the butt end
of Canada's winter jokes
Currently living in Ottawa, Ontario - totally gorgeous
city, hopefully the site of next year's HP conference
Have also lived in CFB Borden, Ontario (am an Air
Force brat); Chicoutimi and CFB Bagotville, Quebec;
Flin Flon, Manitoba (for a few months when I was
small); Wendover, Ontario (where my parents still
live); Nepean, Ontario which used to be a city of it's
own until the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton
amalgamated and now it's just part of the west end of
Ottawa; CFB Goose Bay, Labrador. This last one was a
treat (note sarcasm) - 12 miles of road, all goods and
foodstuffs in by boat of plane (depending on the
season), annual snowfall of about 12 1/2 feet,
duration of summer is about 2 weeks in August when
it's warm enough to go to the beach but the water is
freezing. Learned to ice fish there at age 4.

Family life:
Husband - Andy, over 40, bald and sexy. Can repair
anything, does all our home renovations, makes the
best carrot cake in the world, does dishes and
Daughter - Nyssa, almost 20, finally moved out (no, I
didn't push her out the door), works as a purchasing
agent at a pawn shop, lives next door to drag queens
but refuses to go over and introduce herself despite
the fact that I actually know most of them. Leaving in
the fall for St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario
to study education. Her course will also have her
studying in NY state and ending up certified to teach
in both Ontario and NY.
Parents live close enough to visit, call and borrow
money from and are too polite to drop by without
calling first. Dad retired from the Air Force after 28
years in Weapons and Tech and went on to work for an
aeronautical engineering company before finally
retiring at 66 last spring. Totally losing his hearing
and drives my mother nuts by constantly turning up the
music in the van. Mom just turned 67 and still works
as the manager of marketing for an engineering company
that makes railway products. She loves to travel and
has taken Nyssa on vacations since she was 5, the last
being a 2 week trip to Europe for Nyssa's high school
graduation present last summer.
My sister (younger by nearly 5 years) lives in far
east end of the city, darn near inaccessible by public
transit. Married, 3 kids, the oldest of whom I dragged
kicking and screaming out of school 3 years ago to
attend JKR's reading at SkyDome in Toronto. Okay, I
lie, he came willing.

Let me check, there must be one somewhere in all this
mess on my desk.

Words friends have used to describe you:
impatient, sarcastic, friendly, helpful, organised,
fun, Susie homemaker, wasting my intellect

Words you use to describe yourself:
messy, disorganised, procrastinator, spontaneous,
easily distracted, shy, insecure

Things you do when not staring at the computer screen:
Work, sleep occasionally, work, try to talk people
into helping with the 2004 HP conference (even at
work), eat, work, watch movies, cook, work, travel,
talk on the phone, work (can you tell I work 6 days a
week?) and once in a blue moon I do household stuff
like cleaning and laundry.

Comfort foods:
Darn near all food is my favourite. Anything spicy,
especially Malaysian; fish and chips; cheesecake;
homemade ice cream; weinerschnitzel, which we're
having tonight for my birthday dinner; fried chicken;
homemade bread with peanut butter and homemade jam;
popcorn with lots of butter; BBQ Lays and plain
Ruffles; anything chocolate. In other words, pretty
much anything greasy, fried and unhealthy

There's a diploma kicking around here somewhere that
says I'm a certified library technician, though it's a
bit suspect as I went through college in a drunken
stupor and have hardly worked in the field. Have done
darn near everything but wait tables, including: home
daycare, telephone surveys and genealogy research.
Currently overworked at minimum wage ($6.85 Cdn) and
all the free movies I can watch. It pays some bills
and helps me make interesting 48 hours bus trips to

Language skills:
English, sometimes even coherently
Enough French to make myself understood but I can
still understand and read it very well. Used to be

Technical know-how:
Technosquib - can find the power button on the
computer and can replace printer cartridges

Favourite HP book:
PoA - so far

Favourite HP character:
Have abandoned Sirius to Carole, after much cruising
of the Sunday chats on the luxurious yacht the SS
Sirius/I, and tossed my lot in with Snape

Favourite HP line:
I'm supposed to read the books and remember this

Watching/avoiding the HP movies:
Watching. Own both, got tired of them pretty quick.
CoS had way too many Home Alone moments for my liking.
Praying PoA is better.

Into HP fanfiction:
Used to be, very much. That was before I was a List
Elf and the birthday elf and did de-modding and joined
this group and started working on the HP conference
for next year... in other words, I was reading lots
but it's pretty much fallen by the wayside.

Books you're recommend to just about anyone:
Will keep it short. Gary Jennings - The Journeyer 

Favourite TV shows:
CSI, Amazing Race, Survivor, Law & Order, Law & Order:
SVU, Queer as Folk, Kevin Spencer

Favourite movie:
Anything with Alan Rickman (like you didn't already
know that), Colin Firth or Katharine Hepburn. And Come
Fill the Cup.

One thing about you you wish you could change:
Right now I'd say my eyesight, as I'm in serious need
of bifocals

One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for
an advance copy of book 7:
That one's easy - 13 1/2 years of sobriety

Philosophy for an easy life:
There's no such thing, trust me. Things work out the
way they're meant to and no amount of staying awake
nights worrying will change that.

How you found HPFGU:
Goodness, I don't remember what's in the containers in
my fridge and you want me to remember how I found this
place 3 years ago? Riiiiight.

Active on other HP sites:
I lurk on a few fanfic lists, sometimes peruse the
Leaky Cauldron. Other than that, just the planning
list for the 2004 conference.

Your most rock solid OoP prediction:
I will like the book and there will be awesome party
at my place from the evening of the 20th to sometime
on Sunday. ;)

Members of the fandom you've personally met:
Oh dear, here's where I have problems with memory. If
I forget someone, forgive me, I'm old.


I think that's it. If you're still reading, you have
too much time on your hands. Back away from the
computer. :-D


"No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously." - Dave Barry

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