FAQ "volume" idea

Amanda Geist editor at texas.net
Wed Jun 11 02:51:06 UTC 2003

I told Cindy last night that I'd try to get this down for the group....it'll
be sketchy, I lifted it from a YM and I don't have time to streamline. It is
an idea for your perusal and discussion.

Me: Building on an earlier suggestion, that we make new "volumes" of each
FAQ as new books come out...I think by-book ones would keep more of the
older stuff available and relevant. The "as we go" development of our
theorizing. We could even have "rooms" on the server for the different

Cindy: For instance, Mysteries and Predictions definitely have to be
book-by-book. And we could just include the old one as a link in the new
one, for the oldest FPs.

Me: It would also (she wonders if Cindy has noticed) take some of the time
pressure off, since you can stop at X date (release date) and start from
there to do the more current, then go back and do the older....

Cindy: The other problem is that some of the "volumes" haven't been written
yet. Hagrid, Harry.

Me: Not a problem. You have the message numbers that go in each "volume."
Just forge ahead. Start collecting the OoP volume posts on the 22nd. You
will have the Books 1-4 posts already. Separate tasks.

[this is me now, not last night]--this allows the earlier FAQs to stand; if
there was any writing of text, there will be not infringing on authorship.
It will let the earlier FAQs serve as "time capsules" as well as keeping us
from "losing" all the older thought and conjecture. And it will keep the
FAQs from becoming enormous, unweildy things (which several already are).

Okay, whaddya think?

~Amanda, blithely throwing out ideas with no idea of the techno-requirements
behind them

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