The Story of Kari, Lucky Kari

lucky_kari lucky_kari at
Thu Jun 12 01:08:44 UTC 2003

> Cindy -- wondering what "lucky kari" means

OK. There were once a bunch of Icelanders living in Iceland. But one
Icelander came to another Icelander's house and insulted the
seven-year-old daughter of the other Icelander's character. This
resulted in a feud that became another feud that became another feud
etc. etc. known as Njal's Saga.

The pertinent part of the story involves Njal's sons, who go out
Vikinging and meet up with an Orkneyman by the name of Kari. They
become swell friends raiding the coast, sinking ships, and feasting.
Eventually, Kari takes up their invitation and goes home with them to
Iceland, where he fast becomes a family favourite, and marries Njal's

Unfortunately, the feuding continues, and everyone in Njal's family
gets burnt alive. Except for "Kari, Lucky Kari" who sneaks out. Kari
immediately sets himself to revenging his in-laws. He stalks the
burners and kills them one by one. After he's killed everyone except
the leader, Grani, Kari and Grani reconcile and become best friends.
Kari marries the  widow of one of his murder victims. 

I'd just read the Njal saga when I got my email address. Kari was
cool, not least because I'm very proud of my Orkney blood, and I was
being tough and Livian at the time. 

It's great stuff. At least one death a page. Usually more. 

So, that's why Elkins keeps making those remarks about Viking helmets.


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