Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Fri Jun 13 12:32:54 UTC 2003

David, perched at the rickety card table in the kitchen, his drink 
sloshing dangerously with each wobble, wrote:

>I've found the latest version (HPfGU Main List 
> Spreadsheet II.xls, I think there's a funny block near the 
> beginning).  

Uh . . . huh?  I don't speak Tech; it's Chinese to me!

>The other is isn't it?  

Uh . . . . 

>I also nabbed the enchilada while I was at it, if that's OK (I can 
>delete it if you don't like).  

Oh, *great!*  Shoving the very best silverware into our pockets 
already, are we?  :-D

Absolutely, have a serving of enchilada.  Don't forget to have a side 
order of the keyword definitions after you convert them into 
printable format.

>It's really impressive.  Who invented this keyword thingy you are 

Well, *me,* of course!

<glances nervously at FAQers>

OK, fine.  I had nothing to do with it.  :-D

> I think I made the right decision a year ago not to join this list, 
> though.  Just too time consuming.

Well . . . having enticed you to duck your head in, I'll see if I can 
entice you to stay.  David, you seem to know a thing or two 
about ::shudder:: math.  And statistics.  So if you like, you can be 
our Co-Head Statistician with Simon.  Wouldn't be much work, you 
see.  Just helping do the Hall of Fame now and then and grinding out 
statistics as people might need them while working on their FPs and 

We're probably going to adopt a prefixing system so that you could 
skip the messages where you're not needed.  You and Simon would have 
to have your own team name/prefix, though.  I'm thinking "Quidditch" 
because you'd swoop down on your brooms when needed.

> Did Cindy explain MEG is the admin team - stands for mods elves 
> geists so technically the name is obsolete now.

"MEG" is obsolete?  You expect me to type "The List Administration 
Team?"  Or "TLAT?"  <pouts>

I say "MEG" will never be obsolete.  "MEG" stands for "Most Excellent 
Guidance."  Hasn't that always been the case?  :-D


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