[HP4GU-FAQ] OoP Spoilers on FAQ

Morgan D. morgan_d_yyh at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 13 14:55:12 UTC 2003

About OoP Spoilers on FAQ, Cindy said:
> How about we say we've agreed that we won't post spoilers here pre-
> OoP, but after release, spoilers are fine here.

That would force me to stay away from this group entirely until I get
to read OotP, which won't happen before the first weeks of July. So
it's not only the spoilers I won't be reading -- I won't get any posts
concerning the FP's structuring and organisation, if there's any. 

So if you think that during the period there might be important,
spoiler-free messages that we should all read immediately... we'd have
to think of a way of making sure we will be able to read it right away,
no matter if we've read the book already or not.

And David commented:
> Some interesting people around here.  Morgan, Derannimer, Phyllis - 
> do you know what you are getting into with this bunch? 

Me? Nope, not at all. ^__^

Morgan D.
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