Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You
heidit at
Fri Jun 13 20:08:44 UTC 2003
> >Real name:
> Heidi Howard Tandy
> >Also known as:
Fandom Mommy
> >Age/Sex:
> 32/Not for the next month, at least
> >Birthplace/Livingplace:
> Miami/Miami
In the 10 years that it was not Miami, it was:
Philly (at Penn for college, 88-92)
Washington, DC (at American for law school 92-95 (by the school and
in DuPont Circle)
NYC (Upper East Side, 95-98)
> >Family Life:
Married for almost 7 years, 2 kids (Harry is almost 4 and Jon is
almost 2 weeks old)
> >Personality:
I have a newborn. That pretty much precludes everything else, at the
> >Words friends have used to describe you:
Bibliomaniac, good at house renovation supervision (we just gutted
half our 1933 house and rebuilt it, moving in 3 days before Jon was
born), intensely protective of friends, slightly geeky
> >Words you have used to describe you:
Bibliomaniac, gadget freak. Mommy.
> >Things you do when not staring at the computer:
I have a newborn. That pretty much precludes everything else at the
moment. Oh, except for conference calls about Nimbus - 2003.
> >Comfort foods:
Popcorn, jello and mac & cheese with tabasco sauce. Yes, tabasco is
a comfort food for me.
> >Education/Work:
Penn undergrad (majors in European history and Communications at
Annenberg) '92
American's Washington College of Law '95
> >Language skills
HTML and some PHP
> >Technical know-how:
HTML and some PHP. I rule Yahoogroups with my powers of tweaking-the-
system. I can also make a good cafe press shop.
> >Favourite HP book:
> >Favourite HP character(s):
I adore Harry. I just do.
Must. Schnoogle. Ickle. Draco. Hislifeissomessedup.
Also Sirius. Pretty much the same reason.
> >Favourite HP line
Mmmm. Pretty much the whole Shack scene. W00.
> >Watching/Avoiding the HP movies?:
In the past 2 weeks, I have seen the first film - or parts thereof -
7 times. It's on HBO and HBO Family a lot. And I'm up in the middle
of the night a lot.
> >Into HP fanfiction?
I am an admin on FA, so yes. But the quality of what we reject
shocks me, daily.
> >Books you'd recommend to just about anyone:
The Eight, by Katherine Neville. This book is amazing, and my second-
favorite, to PoA. Yes, I like it more than the other 3 HP books. So?
> >Favorite TV shows?
Twas Buffy, but Buffy is no more. Am getting into Trading Spaces.
> >Favorite movies:
Grease :)
And it was playing on TNT the night I was in the hospital for my
induction, which made the waiting fine and the contractions
bearable. Yay.
> >One thing about your life you'd change if you could you may not
> >say "lose weight."
I would make it be next Friday, so ootp would be out in hours, not a
> >One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for an advance
> >copy of Book 7:
My family, in toto.
> >Philosophy for an easy life:
For me, it's just snuggling my bebe and my "grown boy" (who is all
of 3 years 10 months). Well, it works.
> >How you found HPfGU:
Washington Post the day before GoF was released. I joined, I met
Penny and Neil and Simon, and I stayed :)
> >Active at other HP sites:
Editor at TLC, admin at FA, and part of Team Nimbus - 2003. So it's
a pretty busy fandom-life. Plus, I have a LiveJournal - heidi8
> >Your most rock solid OoP prediction:
Draco = prefect
> >Members of the fandom you have personally met:
Carole & Randy
Dixie Malfoy
A'jes Blue
Gwendolyn Grace
And I know there's more... brain freeze...
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What are you off to do now?
My grandma is ghere - gotta go!
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