Go SPURS! Was Re: HP Trivia Questions for Friday night

Tom Wall thomasmwall at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 15:11:12 UTC 2003

Hi Amanda!

Congrats on the Spurs' victory last night! Were you celebrating?

Oh, and should we post trivia to this list, or mail it to you 


--- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, "Amanda Geist" <editor at t...> wrote:
> Request for assistance!
> Kelley and I are going to be part of one of the San Antonio 
> Order of the Phoenix activities. We are dressing up and will be 
quizzing the
> kids on HP trivia. Not sure for how long; not sure what ages.
> Can I beg you all to send me trivia questions? I can make some mean 
> ones, but I'd like a broader spectrum. And I'd like to have enough 
to split
> into First-Years, Second-Years, etc. I think we get to *run* the 
> I could yank the questions from the trivia game, but that's only 
the first
> book. The Barnes&Noble people made it clear that they want to cover 
all four
> books.
> So, please, please, give me your suggestions! Kelley and I 
appreciate it!
> Thanks,
> Amandageist
> P.S.--I want to be Professor or Madam something...any ideas? My 
last name
> just doesn't cut it. (Kelley's, either)
> ------------------------------------------
> Those who cannot hear the music, think the dancers daft.

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