Fantastic Posts Database/ What Are We?

derannimer susannahlm at
Mon Jun 16 19:11:49 UTC 2003

Cindy suggested:

> So how about this? If anyone sees a great post on the main list but 
> doesn't have the time or inclination to enter it into the database, 
> maybe they could just send the message number to me (and anyone else 
> willing to perform this function) as an e-mail. Easier still might 
> be just to forward the whole post. Then the person receiving the e-
> mail could add the information to the database.
> What do you think? If this idea sounds helpful, is there anyone else 
> who would be willing to accept e-mails and enter the data into the 
> database? Also, maybe we should send out a special notice to all of 
> the FAQ team members reminding them to keep their eyes open for great 
> posts on the main list?"

Hey, sounds great! You know, anything that means I don't have to do quite so much 
work. . .  

I must say though, Cindy, that this sounds like the sort of thing that people volunteer 
to do and then wind up wildly regretting; if I were you, I'd make darn sure that *a 
bunch* of people were also willing to do the same thing. 

But on another matter. . . 
 > Cindy -- thinking anyone who performs this function could have the 
 > title "goblin" bestowed upon them

NIFFLERS! Why don't we all call ourselves NIFFLERS!? 

I mean, all of us FAQers. Because we dig out bits of gold for the benefit of the main 
list. And, er, because we're so cute and furry and have long snouts. Okay, so the 
comparison -- I hope -- breaks down in a couple of places, and it's not the most 
dignified name in the world; but I always *loved* the Nifflers. I thought they were just 
the cutest things. ; )

Derannimer, who has a feeling that that's already -- oh, I know, they use that on FA. 
For people who read for good new fics. Well, darn. I don't see why we couldn't be 
Nifflers anyway, though. Or have we already definitely decided on something else? 
And who does plan to write an actual substantive post about 
SLYTHERIN one of these days.         

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