[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: What Are We?/Predictions Trifecta
Susannah Myers
susannahlm at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 16 19:49:03 UTC 2003
--- "Cindy C." <cindysphynx at comcast.net> wrote:
> > NIFFLERS! Why don't we all call ourselves
> OK, I love this idea! We are nifflers, aren't we?
> Oh, can we be the
> nifflers?
Woo-hoo! I've got someone to second!
> While we're on the subject . . .
> Have I mentioned lately how I am completely sure
> nifflers will be
> very, very important in OoP?
> In fact, I think I should swing for the fence and
> tell you all my
> Prediction Trifecta entry:
> 1. Put-Outer will be key to Harry's protection.
> 2. Hermione will die.
> 3. Real Moody will be the villian again, and this
> time he will play
> a role in Hermione's death.
> All three, folks. All three.
<Derannimer opens her mouth as if she wants to say
something, then closes her mouth as if she's thought
better of it.>
Boy. Huh, Captain, when you swing for the fence you
really swing for the fence, don't you?
You know, I hate to bring this up four days before OOP
comes out, but this whole issue of the name
"Put-Outer" -- I always assumed that "Put-Outer"
*wasn't* the thing's actual *name*; that it was just
the way that the rather ignorant narrative voice of
the first chapter of PS/SS chose to refer to it. That
is, that it was just *dubbed* a "Put-Outer," and that
it isn't actually called a "Put-Outer."
But. Anyway.
I don't know if I've got a trifecta of predictions
myself. I -- I know I keep mentioning this, sorry --
am, however, crazy mad in love with the
Minister!Lucius theory. It would make him a really
*effective* bad guy, finally. Lucius isn't meant to be
sneaky and manipulative. He's meant to declare martial
law. But I don't know that I'm *predicting* it.
> Cindy -- whose dh is requiring her presence at a
> function on Friday
> night *and* one on Saturday night (Nora Jones at
> Wolf Trap -- who
> could resist?), and who is wondering exactly when
> she'll have a
> chance to read the darn book
Oh, you poor little thing! (That hardly sounds right
I'm (hopefully) going to friends' house on Friday; and
then we're all going to pick up our copies at the B&N;
and then I plan to go home and get it read by Saturday
night. Although maybe really late Saturday night. 900
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