The "Fantastic Posts" Database

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Wed Jun 18 17:15:25 UTC 2003


> Wouldn't it be really cumbersome to be using two lists?  

No, because we wouldn't *have* to use two lists.

OK.  Let's use an example.  We have lots of new members who weren't 
around for the cataloguing and we have people who did not have time 
to catalogue.  They are not familiar with the keywords we used.  They 
are busy people, but they can keep their eyes open for great posts.

But how best to encourage them to do so?  We need a process that is 
really, really easy -- that doesn't impair their enjoyment of the 
list, but still allows them to flag posts that are terrific.  I 
guarantee you that if Pip does another MagicDishwasher post (one of 
which took me a really long time to catalogue last time around), it 
will be Fantastic, but it might not make it into the database if no 
one familiar with the keywords spots it and enters it.

So people would either (1) enter great posts into the database as 
they spot them (which is preferable, of course), or (2) if they just 
plain don't have time, they would just forward the posts to the other 
FAQ list.  If you like, we could delete each post from the other FAQ 
list as we catalogue it to avoid duplication of effort and to keep 
the list of uncatalogued posts as small as possible.

The actual process, then, for those who don't have time to put things 
into the database, would be they see a great post, they forward it to 
the other list, and they can keep right on reading without ever 
leaving the main list.  (I believe the message number will show when 
they forward the message).  Little niffler goblin owl people like me 
would keep an eye on the other FAQ list and catalogue any stray posts 
over there.  Hopefully, enough people would enter their own stuff 
into the database so that the niffler-goblin-owls wouldn't get worn 
out or fall behind.

Then, when it was time for me to write a FAQ, I would use the 
Enchilada, the database on this list, and if I want (or if we fall 
behind in entering things) the stray posts on the other FAQ list. 


That whole idea rests on my assumption that some people are willing 
to help but don't wish to take the time to hop from the main list 
every time they see something great and catalogue it here.  Or just 
don't know how and aren't that keen on learning right now.

Have I assumed incorrectly?  What do you think?
> Debbie
> who hates jumping from list to list

Exactly!  But that is exactly what we're hoping all 41 people on this 
list will do, right?  Read Main, and then drop everything and pop 
over and catalogue the post into the database.  I think some won't, 
and we need some way to make things easier on them.  'Cause we really 
do need their eyes, if not their, er, fingers.

Yes?  No?


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