Loose Ends
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at comcast.net
Fri Jun 20 14:13:39 UTC 2003
Howdy again,
Sorry for not combining, but I have to leave for the dentist (at my
age, you *never* get good news at the dentist anymore). Ugh. So
quickly . . .
Here's an idea for what we might do about noting good posts we spot
on the main list. Let's go ahead and try simply entering things into
the database on this list. If you see a post that should go in the
database but don't know/have time to deal with the keywords, leave
them blank, but fill in a description. Those of us who do know the
keywords will try to fill them in when we have some time.
If it appears this isn't working, we can tweak it and try something
We've never really talked about how fantastic a post has to be to be
fantastic. We also haven't talked about what to do when a thread has
a *lot* of fantastic posts (like the bullying thread) -- should we
catalogue each one, or just the first one?
I'm not sure. Thoughts?
Cindy -- off to floss just to make a good first impression on the
dentist, and wondering whether he'll pull out that huge model of a
mouth and show her how to brush her teeth like she's four years old
or something
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