Hey, Ron and Weasley FAQ-ers

Amanda Geist editor at texas.net
Sun Mar 9 06:09:09 UTC 2003

I just got an offlist from a shy little newbie who saw my post on "Charlie's
No. 2" and wanted more leads on the Missing Weasley Child theory, and the
related, remote Ron is a Seventh Son theory.

Imagine my surprise when I went to the Ron Weasley FAQ and found not a
whisper of the 7th son thing. I hied over to the Weasley Family FAQ and
found a brief mention in a paragraph under "Ages of the Weasley Family
Members," but with no footnote to a thread-link.

The 7th son thing was never a major thread, but the Missing Child theory has
been revisited over the eons and shows up on Cindy's polls (doesn't it?); I
just found it odd that there was no link to any posts. Or maybe I'm just
clueless and missed it.

Anyway, can the responsible parties (Neil, Simon) give me any help in
finding the old threads for this person? I mean, do you have any organized
material at hand that you can give me, rather than me having to sit here for
hours uncounted, dealing with the Search Engine from Hell?

Amandageist, who finds this being nice to people thing rather time-consuming

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