[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Better Late Than Never

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Wed Mar 12 10:58:07 UTC 2003

> Porphyria advised:
> > Ahhh, I love the minty-fresh green. 
> > 
> > If we go by the Catholic schedule (and why not, I ask?) then April 
> > would be yellow/lavendar/pink for Easter -- perhaps we should 
> > commemorate Ostara instead with deep red? :-)
> > 
> > May is most definitely blue for its various Marian connotations -- 
> > but you could do a blue/periwinkle/lilac thing since actual lilacs 
> do 
> > bloom in May.
> Boy, I'll bet Porphyria's house is actually color coordinated and 
> everything!  ;-)  As for me, I have no ability to decorate 
> anything.  In fact, the window covering in front of me here in my 
> office consists of two tattered bath towels to keep the sun out of 
> my eyes.  I'll bet the neighbors are impressed.  
> You know what this FAQ list really needs, though?  I little lift 
> from our favorite decorator Mary Suzanne.  ;-)

Of course, over here (most of the UK) we don't make as big a thing of St 
Patrick's Day as you do. So going by the Catholic schedule, we should now be 
in Porphyrian purple. Unless you follow the Sarum (Salisbury) tradition, as 
the local parish church here does, using blue for penitential periods. 

I'm about to have my own colour crisis as I'm going to have our bedroom done.
I'm afraid I've indulged in co-ordinated bedcovers and curtains (isn't that 
naff?) and I can't decide what colour to do the walls.

But I've got loads of old curtains, Cindy....


Wondering if we shouldn't ask Porphyria to perfume the FAQ office with a 
virtual smell of the month.
And very miffed indeed, because she should be at Oxford Circus with Ali and 
Catherine in 3 minutes' time and can't be because she's got a sick child.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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