[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: ADMIN/MEMB: Prospective Members

cindysphynx cindysphynx at comcast.net
Sat Nov 1 17:47:23 UTC 2003

Joy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>I know this isn't the main point of the discussion, but I've
several times to do any technical stuff that is necessary, and never got
response.  I'm assuming that you're referring to the tech stuff that she
did, but I could be wrong.
Porphyria is probably the best person to address this, but I recall that
she served in several capacities.  She helped out with tech issues in
the administration of the FAQ list itself.  Joy and several others did
this as well, and it was (and is) much appreciated.
Porphyria is also our official webmistress, meaning she designed the web
pages and uploads changes and, er . . . . I have no idea what a
webmistress does, really.  But whatever it was, Porphyria was the
go-to-gal, if you will.  I know she had Magical Software for doing
things like converting all the links in a document so they didn't have
to be formatted manually.  Or something.  
Joy, if you want to take over the webmistress part of Porphyria's
duties, I for one would think that was terrific news.  And if you
volunteered before and I overlooked your offer to take over for
Porphyria, I really do apologize.  It most definitely wasn't deliberate.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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