ADMIN/MEMB: Damn. Scrubbing again.
editor at
Mon Nov 3 15:26:52 UTC 2003
> This means that there will be times when FAQ and MEG have different
> internal policies. Scrubbing is the most obvious example, and the
> most recent example where a MEG/FAQ member overstepped, IMHO. As
> things stand, FAQ scrubs its archives, and MEG does not
Okay, I'd understood that as things stood on FAQ, this had not been
decided yet. I definitely had never, before the recent discussions,
been aware that this took place, and I object to it, and I honestly
apologize if a silence imposed by my not noticing a poll go by, let
it seem that I agreed.
I am not objecting to scrubbing because MEG doesn't. I object to
scrubbing because I object to scrubbing. I dislike altering history,
I think the "holes" would be far more worrisome to new members (left
free to imagine the worst) than reading comments, and I think the
awareness that the words may be read exerts a completely healthy
pressure to remain civil in discussions.
I, speaking only as a FAQ member and not caring what other lists do,
won't agree to a standard scrubbing policy that extends past one
poster's right to delete their own words.
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