
Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Tue Nov 4 16:28:20 UTC 2003


I'm reviewing the archives to put together something on another issue,
and I came across this draft of a letter to Carolyn.  Did this go out?
 Did we get a reply?  If it has not gone out, do we want to change it
to reflect our reservations about Carolyn's proposal?

There's a chance the answer to these questions is just something I
missed.  I figured I'd better flag this for follow-up, though.


--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, "abigailnus" <abigailnus at y...> wrote:
> --- In HP4GU-FAQ at, "bluesqueak" <pipdowns at e...> wrote:
> > This was sent to the admin Team at the owner address. After reading 
> > it, it seems more in FAQ's remit, so I'm forwarding it here.
> <snip Carolyn's message>
> I did a Yahoomort search on her (her handle is a_reader2003 in case
> else is interested).  Her style is good, and if she's this
interested so early on 
> then she may be a valuable asset.  My only problem is that she's
been a member 
> for less then three months.  Now, obviously this would disqualify
her from being 
> a list elf, but is it that important in an FP writer?
> I was thinking of writing her something like this:
> Carolyn,
> You know you should always be careful about making suggestions to 
> management, right?  You'll end up carrying them out yourself.  
> I'm writing on behalf of the HPfGU FAQ team.  We're in charge of
writing the 
> essays on the Fantastic Posts website.  Your message regarding a
> cataloguing of HPfGU's posts was forwarded to us by the list admins, as 
> someone who might like to join us.  We have in fact already implemented 
> something similar to what you suggested - a cataloguing of some 30,000 
> messages according to topic terms.  We use that catalogue to
identify posts 
> which are later used in FP essays.  We were wondering if you'd like
to join us 
> in writing these essays, a task that has become doubly important
> the release of OOP.
> If this sounds like something you might enjoy doing, send me a reply
and I'll 
> send you an invite.
> Abigail
> Yeah, it needs work.  Any suggestions?
> Regarding Maria, she's been a member for quite some time, and also
writes well.  
> I'm not sure exactly how she got to us or why she wants to join. 
Does anyone 
> want me to ask her, or should I just approve her membership?
> Abigail

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