MEMB/ADMIN: Brain Wave on Scrubbing

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Tue Nov 4 16:50:21 UTC 2003

Hi again!

It's been quiet here today, but I do want to keep moving us forward on
deciding this issue of scrubbing.  If we let it languish, memories
will fade and we'll be retracing our steps again in the future.  Also,
we can't bring in new people until we kill this beast, so let's see if
we can nail it.

Remember, "scrubbing" refers to the deletion of offensive mentions of
new members before they arrive, as I explained in my proposals
(Messages 2422 and 2435) on this.   Briefly, the stated positions (and
a pertinent quote where I could find one) are:


Heidi -- against; suggested posts to be scrubbed be flagged here for
group discussion

Amanda -- does not consent for her posts to be deleted by anyone other
than herself

Abigail -- against because we may "delete the only record of our
history, and we may end up losing vital information"

Sheryll -- against

Pippin -- "I suggested we leave the prefixed posts in the list archive
and adopt an honor system. No snooping, no leaking."


Derannimer -- "if we're doing it to prevent them from reading frank
assessments of themselves."

Tom -- "I'm in favor of it, on the basis of hurt feelings and hurt
feelings alone."

Cindy -- in favor of scrubbing and maintaining a record of deleted
messages elsewhere 


David -- avoids the issue by watching his words

All right.  I may well have missed someone; if I did, please do weigh
in.  I probably *butchered* some of your positions in an effort to
keep this brief; if so, know that it was unintentional and feel free
to clarify where you stand.

In the meantime, I guess we have two choices.  We can have a vote, or
we can find a consensus solution.  I have my fingers crossed that we
have found a consensus solution that avoids all of the pitfalls of
scrubbing that some of our members have identified.  The proposal is
in Messages 2422 and 2435.

So.  <deep breath>

Are there any real, good faith objections anyone can articulate to
proceeding in the manner I outlined?  This is Tuesday.  How about if
no one raises an objection that we start putting this plan into action
on Saturday?  We will then be in a position to return to the selection
of new members, hopefully.

Finally, *if* we did adopt the scrubbing compromise I proposed, there
will be two types of work generated.  Someone will have to do the
actual work of scrubbing.  Someone will have to be in charge of taking
steps to maintain an unscrubbed archive for those interested in such
an archive (contact Paul, set up new FAQ Yahoo group, etc.)

I volunteered to do scrubbing work, but I am willing to defer if
someone else wishes to do this.

Are there any volunteers to set up and maintain the unscrubbed FAQ
archives for the benefit of the current membership but without access
to arriving members?  


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