PUFFs: Harry FP Outline v. 3.0

Dicentra spectabilis dicentra at xmission.com
Wed Nov 5 01:22:15 UTC 2003

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, "abigailnus" <abigailnus at y...> wrote:

> 	1.4 Harry's relationships with adults 
> 		1.4.1 Harry's father figures
> 		1.4.2 Harry's mother figures
> 		1.4.3 Harry and Sirius
> 		1.4.4 Harry and Dumbledore
> 		1.4.5 Harry and Snape
> 		1.4.6 Harry and other adult figures (Hagrid, Lupin, Bagman, Fudge)
> 		1.4.7 Generational parallels between Harry and adult characters  
> 			 living and dead

I'd be willing to take section 1.4 for starters.  I guess the first
step in writing this is to collect relevant post numbers.  That should
keep us busy until well into the new year. :D


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