
lucky_kari lucky_kari at
Wed Nov 5 23:47:28 UTC 2003

Yes, I'm resigning. I don't get paid to do this and there are much
funner things to do. I joined the list with the hope of writing FAQs.
There has been barely any FAQ work since the heady early days of
cataloguing one year ago. Instead, the MEG outburst, of which I know
only through dark rumour, has spread onto this list. 

On a personal note, there is something very *insulting* about hearing
time after time that only the MEG members are privy to this, that, and
the other question. *Important* questions come up, and we're told that
it's MEG business. It strikes me that there is no reason why the FAQ
membership is separate from the MEG membership.

The only reason I can think of is not exactly pleasant. I know bloody
well that I'm persona non grata on MEG. I can't think what I did to
deserve it, commit the heinous sin of writing TBAY posts, anyone?,
'associate' with the wrong people?, but it's pretty obvious that I was
blacklisted by certain parties on MEG. The invitations went out to
everyone but me. You can imagine that my feelings were hurt, but I've
stayed silent about it for more than a year now. At times, it seems
that I lucked out by being given the cold shoulder. 

However, despite this slap in the face from MEG, I volunteered to go
on the FAQ team because I really did want to work on the FAQs. Well,
guess what? Here we are. The same people who are part of
administration that blacklisted me are now running the FAQ. And I can
only assume that some of you dislike me very much. That's not a
comfortable situation to be in. 

Add to that this constant harping that we need to be watched closely
by MEG so as not to go off with the silverware or do anything else
horrible and unmandated, and I can only come to the conclusion that
this whole set-up takes my slave labour and gives me nothing in return
except snide reprimands and a feeling of inferiority. I'm not a
house-elf. I don't thrive on that. 

MEG wants to control the FAQs. Fine. MEG writes the FAQs. 

I'm handing in my resignation a week in advance. I'll make sure to
post my Weasley outline before I go, just in case you want to use it. 


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