More questions for MEG
editor at
Sun Nov 9 21:19:11 UTC 2003
I am speaking strictly in my personal capacity. This is just Amanda.
I am not a faceless MEG entity at the moment. I have taken off my
Independent-Thought Neutralizer (TM) and possess the ability to
express opinions and thoughts of my own. The following post reflects
*only* these. I am posting here as a FAQ member only. References to
MEG are incidental and do not reflect any policy or stance thereunto
appertaining. Your mileage may vary. Contents may settle in shipping.
I apologize to any and all, but this post is about a basic assumption
Tom is making, rather than any specific question, and I am answering
as a longtime FAQ member and (clearly) a political neophyte.
> Given that over half of FAQ's members are members of MEG, what
> is MEG taking to ensure that policy decisions made by FAQ fairly
> reflect the opinions of non-MEG members of FAQ?
> In other words, since MEG holds a majority on FAQ, non-MEG members
> are literally in no position to decide anything that contradicts
> MEG, since an obvious voting block exists.
I wouldn't think any "weighting" or other measures are necessary,
personally. By way of example--I am a Republican who can, does, and
has voted for Democratic, Independent, or other non-Republican
candidates. Like most people I know, I look at issues and stances,
instead of the little (R) or (D) or whatever. I find the option "vote
all Republican" or whatever it says, laughable. Republicans do not
think and move as one. Most groups don't. Groups are a bunch of
*individuals.* Individuals think, decide, weigh options, as
What I have seen in action on FAQ in the past, has been that FAQ
members are FAQ members and discuss issues from that perspective.
This political MEG/nonMEG distinction that you are considering a
foregone conclusion, is not something that I, at least, had ever
perceived as existing here, prior to all this governance stuff. It
may have now been so discussed by this point that it has come into
existence--but I think it is far more the product of the discussion,
than vice versa. Wag the Dog.
The assumption that this list had, has, or will have some sort
of "party system" happening, that there are "voting blocks" along
MEG/nonMEG lines, is not one that I personally consider valid. I
didn't hand over my identity or ability to think for myself when I
became a MEG. It also sounds like your basic assumption lumps the
nonMEG FAQ members into a Unit that groupthinks rather than
considering issues as individuals. This does justice to none of us.
There are clearly some things that need to be worked out between the
two groups, but this political-party, majority/minority, subgroup
identity approach is not something I had ever perceived, nor do I
believe fostering it helps anything. I honestly can not tell you who
the MEGs on this list are. I could tell you a few, but naming who is
and who isn't? Off the top of my head? No way. Not only do I not have
time to keep track of that sort of detail, it's just not the way I
For me to be exercising the kind of preselective group-based decision-
making you are describing, I would have to print out a list of MEG
FAQ members and one of nonMEG FAQ members and stick it on my
computer, as a quick-reference card to remind me who was in
which "camp," which I presumably would consult before agreeing or
disagreeing with an expressed stance. I decline to do this. I have no
time for this. Politics isn't what this list--or any of the HP4GU
lists--were ever about.
Again, this was just Amanda. Not MEG!Amanda or Evil!Amanda or
Dominatrix!Amanda or any other [adjective]Amanda. Just Amanda
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