More questions for MEG
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at
Mon Nov 10 04:06:21 UTC 2003
Amanda wrote:
> I am speaking strictly in my personal capacity. This is just Amanda.
> I am not a faceless MEG entity at the moment.
Forgive me, but I really think that Amanda's post is quite improper
and way out of line under the new regime around here. Debbie's Prime
Directive unilaterally decided that there will be a Liaison and
decided it will be Abigail. Then Debbie wrote, "As such, this is not
a forum for discussion of MEG issues, and issues of that type raised
here will not be discussed by MEG."
So, no, I don't think it is proper for MEG members to discuss MEG
matters here at all *ever,* if I understand the Prime Directive
Abigail, did I get that right? If I did, would Abigail let the FAQ
members know what will be done about Amanda's *second* violation
of the Prime Directive (the first being her ADMIN about the emergency
security precautions to make sure the FAQ members wouldn't delete
their own list)?
This seems to be a pretty important thing to nail down now that the
Prime Directive has established a pecking order here on the FAQ list.
IMHO, Amanda can no sooner claim to speak as a non-MEG than I can
claim to speak as a MEG.
And frankly, we're going to get our feet *hopelessly* tangled up under
us if MEGs keep whipping their MEG hats on and off and saying this or
that. That compelling need for clarity, I understood, was the reason
we have Abigail to serve all of us FAQ-only members.
Cindy -- also requesting that Abigail answer each of her questions
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