FAQ roles, and Dark Mark
Amanda Geist
editor at texas.net
Mon Nov 10 04:33:39 UTC 2003
> Amanda - What FAQ's have you written? None that are posted on the
> webpage. None that are mentioned in the Database.
> What FAQ's are *you* currently working on?
> Why did *you* sign up for FAQ? By the looks of it, not to work on
> FP's. Unless you've taken on a project in total secrecy and decided
> not to inform anyone about it. Please. Do enlighten the ignorant.
Since you asked. I signed on because I am an editor. I help proof
draft-finals, and check links. There hasn't been much call for this
particular skill set lately; nobody has posted a draft-final text for
proofing or link-checking in rather a long time. I stand ready when this
does occur. Not everyone on this list is here to write; there are FAQ
production support roles.
> For the record, *I'm* working on the Death Eater FAQ with
> Derannimer. *I* have culled almost two-hundred related posts from
> the archives. *I* have a rough draft of the Dark Mark section
> already done, and I have kept the list updated on my progress
> regarding the FAQ that *I'm* working on.
Way cool! I'm looking forward to the Dark Mark stuff; I'd given a list of
posts to Porphyria back when she was doing Snape, that discussed Dark Mark
stuff, but she (correctly, I think) decided that it wasn't Snape-specific
enough to include with that one, and set the list aside to help support a
later FAQ. I wasn't sure if there was, overall, enough stuff for Dark Mark
by itself, or if it would be rolled into a larger one.
Would be happy to help proof or link-check when you put it up.
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